Saturday, May 31, 2008

We are Pregnant!!!

April 26, 2008 was the date I found out our life was going to change and become more exciting! I was a week late so I decided to take a home pregnancy test. It was positive. So I took another one. It was positive. I called Jay and asked him to come home form work and he came home- he just thought I missed him! I left the tests on the bathroom counter and when he got home he saw them. At first he thought it was a joke. It wasn't April fools he said, so his mind started racing. He then said.."really?!" and I just nodded my head and starting crying! The next day we went to Orlando and my sister made me take another one. It was positive. I made an appointment and on Monday morning i went to the doctors and took another urine test and got blood work done. This was actually the 5th urine test! They were all positive! We got a call on Wednesday from the docs office about the blood work and they said we are positively PREGNANT! Officially made it more real coming from the MD.
I am just now 10 weeks pregnant. Time is flying. Baby is growing and belly is growing. Its so amazing. I have been scared of the m word, but am trusting my Jesus to protect our baby. I have this picture of the hand of Christ holding our baby, and protecting it as it grows. I know that Christ is intimate with my baby and knows and sees my baby! This experience is so amazing! The due date we were given is December 29, 2008!

this is at 6 weeks- just a tiny dot in this pic

these are at almost 9 weeks! so much growth!

1 comment:

the fam said...

aren't they so precious in the tummy? especially at this tiny!