Saturday, May 31, 2008

We are Pregnant!!!

April 26, 2008 was the date I found out our life was going to change and become more exciting! I was a week late so I decided to take a home pregnancy test. It was positive. So I took another one. It was positive. I called Jay and asked him to come home form work and he came home- he just thought I missed him! I left the tests on the bathroom counter and when he got home he saw them. At first he thought it was a joke. It wasn't April fools he said, so his mind started racing. He then said.."really?!" and I just nodded my head and starting crying! The next day we went to Orlando and my sister made me take another one. It was positive. I made an appointment and on Monday morning i went to the doctors and took another urine test and got blood work done. This was actually the 5th urine test! They were all positive! We got a call on Wednesday from the docs office about the blood work and they said we are positively PREGNANT! Officially made it more real coming from the MD.
I am just now 10 weeks pregnant. Time is flying. Baby is growing and belly is growing. Its so amazing. I have been scared of the m word, but am trusting my Jesus to protect our baby. I have this picture of the hand of Christ holding our baby, and protecting it as it grows. I know that Christ is intimate with my baby and knows and sees my baby! This experience is so amazing! The due date we were given is December 29, 2008!

this is at 6 weeks- just a tiny dot in this pic

these are at almost 9 weeks! so much growth!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Graduate Nurse!

Well, it's been almost a month since i posted something. Since the last post I, Diana, graduated from nursing school! The past two years have been very difficult for me. My focus was school, school and school. No time to hang out with friends, no time for cooking weeks at a time because of tests, sorry Jay! It's almost like life was on hold. Well, school is over! (for now) Graduation was May 5, 2008. I still have to study for my state boards, which will be sometime this summer. I just signed up for my pass to let me test and that takes about a month. So I think the boards will be toward the end of the summer. I was hired as a Graduate Nurse at the hospital I currently work at. They have a GN internship that lasts 3 months. I was hired to work in the Heart Hospital in CIU as a cardiac nurse, which I never thought I would ever do! Cardiac was always so hard for me in school, but who knows I might really like it.
I have more news and more updates, but for today that's all.
Oh, Bella is doing much better at potty training, she still goes inside. Tomorrow is her first haircut!

Sunday, May 4, 2008


We got a puppy!! My (Diana) brother Daniel, surprised me with this adorable pup for graduation. Her name is Bella! She is a 10 week old Shih Tzu. We got her on Friday May 2nd. She is so cute. Potty training her is a little frustrating. She cries too much when she is in her crate and since we live in an apartment, we don't want to upset the neighbors , so we take her out, which I know we aren't suppose to do. I guess it is going to be a process....BUT she is so sweet and adorable!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

March 10, 2007 --Our Fairy Tale

life as of May 1, 2008

We have now been married just over 1 year! We Currently live in Tampa, FL. and attend Grace Family Church- which we love so much.
Jason is a Business Major at USF and works for 2020 Marketing group. Diana is graduating May 5 from HCC with her Nursing degree and will be starting her new job at UCH Pepin Heart Hospital as a CIU Nurse. Life is very exciting right now. We are taking a big trip this summer- next week actually. We will be traveling to Diana's homeland- Honduras. We are very excited to go. Jay is excited to meet family and experience the culture for the first time! And Diana is excited to see her family again after 3 years! We will be gone May 9-May 20!